
side projects

  • 🏗️ Co-Building Mockup Generator, an online tool that helps you to create product mockups in seconds and saves a lot of time for bulk mockup generations. (2023)
  • 🐦 Co-Built Wingo, a daily planner mobile app for kids. (2022)
  • 💹 Built Temettü, a mobile app that helps you to follow the dividend calendar and track the dividend payments of your stock investments. (2020)
  • 🤿 Built Bucketmap, a project to map some bucket list ideas to discover around the world. Here is the story. (2020)
  • 🧶 Co-Founded MUKAVVA, a design brand that we created together with my two close friends in a very amateur way, an adventure inspired by nature and our travels... (2018)
  • 🚀 Created Hayallerimde Ben, a storytelling project that I started to share my experiences through my bucket list journey between ages 18 and 25. (2013)
Currently in
🇩🇪 Berlin, Germany
© 2024 Ebru Kaya
ebru[at]ebrukaya.me 📮